Ensuring Adequate & On-time delivery of Fertilizers to the deserving
The dashboard is developed to facilitate easy monitoring by various Stakeholders viz. State Agriculture Departments, District Collectors and State Marketing Federations.
The Dashboards provide various reports viz.,
Top 20 buyers (State wise, District wise)
Frequent buyers (State wise, District wise)
the retailers not selling fertilizer through PoS devices
Stock as on Today
Stock Availability: at port, plant, in states, product and period-wise (month, year etc.)
The State Governments are also monitoring the availability and supply of fertilizers through iFMS and e-Urvarak Dashboard portals.
After successful implementation in 16 pilot districts from October 2016 to August 2017, the State-wise roll-out was undertaken from September 2017 onwards and all the States have been on-boarded successfully in March 2018.

e-CollabCAD Web Viewer is a product for visualization and sharing of 3D design data of CollabCAD and open 3D data file formats (STL, OBJ, PLY, MUZ, JSON). No software or plug-in required for 3D model rendering. The viewer works directly on a WebGL compliant web browser. Upload, View and Share 3D models and innovative designs with public or private collaborative partners. To get started, register for CollabCAD account, upload 3D models and view them online. Already have an account, login to access uploaded 3D models.

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