ASHA-Soft, Rajasthan received e-Health Healthcare Leader’s Award 2015
ASHA Soft is a performance measurement& DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) system. It has been implemented for Medical, Health & Family Welfare department, Government of Rajasthan across the state for more than 48000 ASHAs and operational from more than 3000 locations across the state. It is integrated with PCTS. ASHA-Soft is being used since December 2014. Implementation of ASHA Soft has resulted in improvement in ANC services, institutional deliveries, home based neo natal care & immunization coverage. Availability of online data of pregnant women & new born babies are increased by 31% & 19% respectively. Identification of non performing ASHAs is possible by ASHA Soft. It has also resulted in timely payment of incentives to ASHAs. Payment processing time has reduced from 67 days to 12 days. Work allocation to ASHAs and their payment has also been rationalized.
The team members involved in the projects were:
Sh Tarun Toshniwal, Senior Technical Director
Smt Anju Mittal, PSA