
Chhattisgarh receives Oracle e-Govenance Excellence Award

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Chhattisgarh receives Oracle e-Govenance Excellence Award

Chhattisgarh has been conferred with the prestigious Oracle e-Govenance Excellence Award award by the Oracle Corporation&lt for the year 2008. The award was given in the category – National, for the project e-Kosh (Online Treasury Computerisation), developed by Chhattisgarh.

The team members involved in the projects were:

From NIC
Manoj Kumar Mishra, TD & SIO
D. Rama Prasada Rao, PSA
Sanjay Ghule (Late), SSA
A.Mohan , Scientist-SB/Programmer

From User Department
D.S. Misra, IAS, Principal Secretary (Finance)
Dr. Mrs. Maninder Kaur Dwivedi, IAS, Director (Treasuries) (that time)
Mrs. S.B.J. Cladius, Additional Director (Treasuries)

Page Last Updated Date :December 12th, 2019
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