
CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Award 2018 to NIC Rajasthan

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CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Award 2018 to NIC Rajasthan

Gyan Sankalp Portal

“Gyan Sankalp Portal” was launched in the year 2018 to raise funds for the schools in Rajasthan under various categories like ‘Support a Project’, ‘Donate to a School’, ‘Mukhyamantri Vidyadaan Kosh’, ‘Adopt a School’ etc.  Portal is also used for the monitoring of the fund collection process. About 100 Crores have been collected through this portal with the help of around 40 thousands supporters supporting around 65 thousands Govt. school in the state. System also has the facility to donate an amount without being registered (if donor does not want to reveal his identity) and tax exemption receipt is generated through the system. Donor may propose/create a project to support any number of selected school. Funds are directly transferred into school’s bank account, received under ‘Donate to a school’ category.

Page Last Updated Date :December 12th, 2019
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