Gems of Digital India Award 2019 for Mid Day Meal – Automated Reporting Management System
The MDM-ARMS – Mid Day Meal – Automated Reporting Management System, software product developed by NIC Himachal Pradesh and replicated in 17 States/UT, has been awarded the Gems of Digital India Award 2019. The award was conferred on 13th September, 2019 at New Delhi. The award was received by Mrs. Padmavathi Viswanathan, Scientist-G and State Coordinator NIC HP, Sh. Sanjay Kumar, Scientist-E along with Sh. Mangal Singh, Scientist-C, NIC HP.
Team members :
Mrs. Padmavathi Viswanathan, Scientist-G and State Coordinator NIC HP
Shri Sanjay Kumar, Scientist-E
Shri Mangal Singh, Scientist-C