Gems of Digital India Awards 2019 for eDistrict, Uttar Pradesh
e-District, Uttar Pradesh is a State Mission Mode project with primary objective of electronic delivery of government services covered under Janhit Guarantee Act 2011. Through this project 26 e-District Services and 230 Integrated Services are being electronically delivered to citizen from the 60,000 plus CSCs and Lokvani Centres spread across 75 districts. Since its state-wide launch in 2016 the e-District portal has received 20 cr applications. eDistrict, UP has also been integrated with Digital Locker and more than 14 cr certificates are available on Digital Locker platform. e-District has brought a paradigm shift in service delivery system of the state government. Project was awarded the Gems of Digital India 2019 Awards under “Analyst Choice” category.
Team Members
- Shri Pratik Kr. Shrivastava, Scientist-G
- Dr Saurabh Gupta, Scientist-G
- Shri Anshu Rohatgi, Scientist-F
- Shri Shailesh Srivastava, Scientist-F