Governance Now Digital Transformation Award 2019 for NCLT eCourt Project
NIC developed online portal for National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) awarded with the Governance Now Digital Transformation Award in the category – End to End Digital Services (G2G and G2C), wherein interested litigants/advocates/companies etc. can file petitions/applications/documents countrywide on 24×7 basis. This web based system transformed NCLT as IT effective and paper less Tribunal. It is now aligned at par with the philosophy of Digital India by facilitating efficient delivery of G2C and G2G services, providing cost effective accessibility of information to all stakeholders with transparency for relevant cases, online payment gateway integration, digitization of petition records, encourages Green Governance through Paperless Courts and to increase the productivity with an efficient automation of Front/Back End work flow processes.
Team Members:
Sh. Manoj Tuli – Scientist F
Ms. N.V. Geetha – Scientist E
Sh. Arul Kumran – Scientist D