NIC MP developed eMARG bags 19th CSI SIG eGovernance Award 2021 under category Central Government Project during Conference held in Prayagraj, UP
eMARG (electronic Maintenance of Rural Roads under PMGSY) https://emarg.gov.in developed by NIC MP bagged 19thCSI SIG eGovernance Award 2021 under category Central Government Project. Award was presented on 23rd April 2022 at Prayagraj, UP. Under Pradhan Mantri Gram SadakYojna (PMGSY), 6.81 Lakh Km Rural Road has been constructed since inception of the scheme. PMGSY has an in-built provision for 5 year Defect Liability Period & under Post DLP maintenance. National Rural Infrastructure Development Agency (NRIDA), Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Govt. of India nodal agency for PMGSY have been continuously stressing importance of maintenance and reviewing the status with states. In order to address issues related to maintenance and to stream line, MoRD entrusted National Informatics Centre (NIC MP) for customization and rollout of eMARG which is piloted in Madhya Pradesh.
Team Members :
Vivek Chitale,Scientist F & ASIO
Geetanjali Mehta , Scientist F
Nilesh Mandloi, Scientist C
Vinay Namdeo , Scientist B