Skoch Award to Paschim Banga Go-Sampad Bikash Sanstha
Skoch Award Awarded to Paschim Banga Go-Sampad Bikash Sanstha an Organisation Under Animal Resources Development Department, Government of West Bengal for e-PBGSBS Management System the Highest Independent Honor in India on September-2015.
- e-PBGSBS Management System is a web-based and SMS based application for Paschim Banga Go-Sampad Bikash Sanstha, Department of Animal Resources Development, Govt. of West Bengal for managing and monitoring the Artificial Insemination(AI) Activity throughout the State. The role based application for maintaining the inventory and distribution of Frozen Semen Straw at State, District, Regional KIT Bank and Block level help the Department to maintain the strict Sire Directory for producing the cattle of high genetic value for higher milk production. The application also helps to maintain the insurance details of the cattle and accounts for actual Artificial Insemination work done by AI Worker and their related payment of incentives. The SMS and mobile apps based reporting system from the Block level enables to department to monitor the progress of Artificial Insemination Programme and other schemes effectively.
- Team Members
- Pdmanabha Mitra, Sr. TD
- Snehasish Das, TD