All the processes and relevant documents were made available in the public domain for information of all concerned. The establishments can now gather all the relevant information from the portals of the Labour Department and its Directorates. Massive procedural reforms and process re-engineering were made with respect to the inspections carried out under various Labour Laws, without compromising the safety and security of workers. Mechanism was devised by each of the participating Directorate to assess risk involved in each establishment based on a number of parameters, like number of workers, nature of business etc. Each establishment / shop / factory registered with the Labour Department is classified into three categories – HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW risk establishment on the basis of risk profile. Entire exercise in being carried out through a computerised online module. On the basis of risk profile of the establishments, the frequency of inspection is finalised. Thereafter, the inspectors are randomised and establishments allotted by means of a customised online module. The allocation is done in a manner so as to ensure that no inspector visits the same establishment twice consecutively over a specified period of time. Under the Labour Commissionerate, submission of inspection reports is done on real-time basis by means of handheld devices connected to the internet. A special provision has been for verification of approved certificates in the public domain by third parties. Anyone can now check the validity of approved certificates by furnishing a few mandatory parameters. The applicants do not need to maintain hard copies of certificates and inspection reports any more. All these vital documents are now available on the Cloud and can be downloaded on demand. The digital footprint of the Labour Department has considerably improved with the launch of these Government–to–Business e-solutions.
- Padmanabha Mitra , Sr. Technical Director
- Debdeep Guha, Technical Director