Skoch Silver Award for COVID-19 Sample Collection Management System
The COVID-19 Sample Collection Management System has been awarded the Skoch Silver Award 2020 in Response to Covid category. The Award has been conferred on 20th March 2021 at New Delhi through online virtual ceremony. These Awards were received by NIC Himachal Pradesh team. The COVID-19 Sample Collection Management System consists of web portal https://covid19cc.nic.in and RT-PCR and RATI mobile apps for collecting and managing Covid-19 tests all over India in 31 States/UTs and has been developed by NIC Himachal Pradesh team.
Team Members:
shri Ajay Singh Chahal, Scientist G
Shri Sanjay Kumar, Scientist F
Shri Sandeep Sood , Scientist F
Shri Mangal Singh, Scientist C
Shri Ashish Sharma, Scientist C