‘Bio Diversity Management Information System- BIOMIS System’ inaugurated in Goa
September 20, 2019
Shri. Nilesh Cabaral Minister of Power, Environment, Non-Conventional Sources of Energy and Law & Judiciary, Govt. of Goa, inaugurated the ‘Goa Bio-Diversity Portal- BIOMIS System’, which consist of e-ABS (Access Benefit Sharing) and e-PBR (People Biodiversity Registers) functionalities, developed by NIC Kerala and implemented by NIC Goa. The function was presided by Dr. Pradeep Sarmokadam, Member Secretary, Goa Bio Diversity Board and attended by all Scientists and Experts from Bio-Diversity Board.
e-ABS is a work flow based system for obtaining approval for access to bio resources for commercial utilization by Indian citizens. e-PBR is a unique repository of information on Goa’s biodiversity. The BIOMIS Portal aims to facilitate and enable widespread participation by all citizens in contributing and accessing information on biodiversity, that benefits science and society, contributes to sustainable future and guide the development and use of this Portal. It is web enabled work flow based system which facilitates citizen to collect (decentralized), disseminate biodiversity data and generate PBR electronically.