
Sh. D. C. Misra, DDG NIC, gave a presentation on ServicePlus at the workshop on IPeG System in Raipur

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Sh. D. C. Misra, DDG NIC, gave a presentation on ServicePlus at the workshop on IPeG System in Raipur

September 20, 2019

A workshop was organized by Department of IT, Govt. of Chhattisgarh at Raipur, on 16th September, 2019. The objective of the workshop was to deliberate on key challenges in delivery of Government services to citizens which includes:

  • Reactive citizen service delivery and high cost of service delivery
  • Inefficiency in delivery of welfare benefits (DBT schemes)
  • Lack of data-based design of new programs/schemes
  • Poor grievance redressal

The keynote address was delivered by Sh. Gaurav Dwivedi, Principal Secretary to Hon’ble CM, Chhattisgarh and Principal Secretary, Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of Chhattisgarh.

Sh. D. C. Misra, DDG NIC gave a presentation on NIC developed ServicePlus-a metadata-based single unified eService delivery framework, at the workshop on ‘Integrated Pro-active eGovernance (IPeG) System’, in Raipur. Ms. Rama Hariharan, Sr. TD, NIC and Ms. Seema Khanna, Sr. TD, NIC Hqrs also gave presentations on Analytics and Parichay – Single sign on respectively.

Presentations were also made by Secretaries In charge from the departments of Labour, Technical Education, Food, Tribal welfare, School Education and Social welfare on the challenges faced by them in implementing the DBT/PFMS. Ideas were explored for a plan of creating a social registry and data exchange platform.

Page Last Updated Date :September 20th, 2019
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