
Key Activities | Centre

  • Hon’ble Prime Minister of India inaugurated an integrated eGramSwaraj and GeM portal for public procurement at Panchayat level. The objective of eGramSwaraj – Govt eMarketplace integration is to enable the Panchayats to procure their goods & services through GeM, leveraging the eGramSwaraj platform.


  • Hon’ble Prime Minister handed over the 1.25th crore ‘Property Card’ to the beneficiary under SVAMITVA Scheme. The SVAMITVA scheme is empowering citizens with property rights in Villages Abadi Areas. NIC is implementing the Svamitva Dashboard for the SVAMITVA scheme of MoPR. On National Panchayati Raj Day, SMS were sent to the beneficiaries for availability of the Property Card along with a link to download their Property Cards.


  • Hon’ble Prime Minister inaugurated “AKAM – Samaveshi Vikaas” Portal & Mobile App at the event celebrating National Panchayati Raj Day at Rewa, MP. The Application suite by NIC captures progress of 9 campaigns under Inclusive Development theme & enables public participation. Designed & Developed by NIC for MoRD, the portal will provide real-time progress of various activities under Samaveshi Vikaas campaigns, while the Mobile App will enable public participation at large.


  • Hon’ble Union Minister for Labour and Employment launched new features of eShram Portal, to enhance portal utility & facilitate ease of registration for unorganized workers. NIC is technical partner of Ministry of Labour for eShram.
