NIC Products
- MedLEaPR, developed by NIC, provides a streamlined and secure solution for medico-legal reporting. It enables online Medico Legal Report (MLR)/ Postmortem Report (PMR) submissions and utilizes graphical tools integrated with Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS).
This system is designed to enhance accuracy, boost efficiency, and ensure seamless collaboration between medical professionals and investigative officers.
- पीसीटीएस (प्रेगनेंसी, चाइल्ड ट्रैकिंग एंड हेल्थ सर्विसेज मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम) मोबाइल ऐप एक ऑनलाइन प्रणाली है, जिसका उपयोग चिकित्सा, स्वास्थ्य और परिवार कल्याण विभाग, राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा एक प्रभावी योजना और प्रबंधन के साधन के रूप में किया जाता है। यह ऐप शिशुओं एवं गर्भवती महिलाओं की ऑनलाइन ट्रैकिंग हेतु विभाग की मदद करता है। इस ऐप के माध्यम से एएनएम व आशा ग्रामीण स्तर से उनके द्वारा गाँव में नागरिकों को दी गई 53 प्रकार की विभिन्न स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं का विवरण पीसीटीएस पर उपलब्ध करवाती हैं।
Android App:
Celebrating One million Downloads of Pehchan App!
Pehchan is your one-stop solution to securely generate and deliver digitally signed Birth, Death & Marriage certificates in Rajasthan.
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Android App:
iOS App:
- National Power Portal, developed by NIC for Ministry of Power is a centralized system for the Indian power sector facilitating online data capture & input (daily, monthly, annually) from generation, transmission, and distribution utilities in the country.
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AHARA is a comprehensive ration card management system implemented by NIC in Karnataka State. It enables citizens to apply online for ration card and facilitates the authorities to ensure hassle-free distribution of ration to the beneficiaries.
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Online Recruitment Application System streamlines the recruitment process for Meghalaya Govt and makes it more efficient & incredibly reliable.
With one time registration, it provides a single platform to be used by the State Govt Dept for different posts.
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School Safety App developed by NIC for HP State Disaster Management Authority helps minimize risks in schools during disasters. It enables authorities to update school safety parameters, which can automatically generate a Disaster management Plan.
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SAJALA by NIC is an eGovernance application offering a comprehensive enterprise solution for water billing for Bengaluru (Bangalore) Water Supply and Sewerage Board. It handles monthly collection of 130 crore & manages billing for 10.5 lakh connections.
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आँगन बिहार मोबाइल ऐप राज्य के आंगनबाड़ी केंद्रों की निरीक्षण प्रक्रिया को सुव्यवस्थित और मानकीकृत करता है। इस ऐप द्वारा निरीक्षण प्रतिवेदन भेज सकते हैं और आंगनबाड़ी में बच्चों एवं कर्मियों की उपस्थिति,पोषाहार वितरण, स्वच्छता एवं मूलभूत सुविधाओं की उपलब्धता को प्रेषित कर सकते हैं।
Android App:
Rajasthan’s Pehchan portal which is being used for Birth Registration in the State, has been integrated with UIDAI.
It enables UIDAI to generate the Aadhaar Enrolment ID of the newly born child on the basis of Birth Registration database of the State.
Android App:
mSuvidha App, developed by NIC for Himachal Pradesh Kaushal Vikas Nigam, connects citizens with skilled professionals to avail of Plumbing, Electrician, Beautician, and other household-related services at their doorstep in Himachal Pradesh.
Android App:
e-BloodBank is a workflow-based, web-enabled, service-centric comprehensive IT solution by NIC for managing the processes & services of Blood Banks. It provides an end-to-end solution for managing Blood Transfusion Centres & Storage Units.
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