
Stay Safe Online

  • QR codes can store lots of data that allows the user to access information instantly. It is necessary for digital users to be aware of uses, threats and safe online practices to be followed while using QR Codes for payments.

Image of QR codes can store lots of data

  • Passwords are commonly used to protect accounts, files, and other sensitive information from unauthorized access. It is important to use strong and unique passwords for different accounts.

Image of Passwords are commonly used to protect accounts

  • Never click on unknown links or links received from unverified sources. Always remember that banks and wallet companies, never do KYC on calls nor send any links to their customers, for updating KYC.

Image of KYC fraud

Report such frauds at : http://cybercrime.gov.in

  • Beware of Fake Online Stores, Sites & Apps! Do not save your card details or bank details on shopping websites and never respond to emails asking about your purchases. Avoid clicking on links that offer unusual discounts or free gifts.

Image of Beware of Fake Online Stores, Sites & Apps

  • With mobile devices becoming smarter, threats are also becoming smart. Stay away from unsecured connections & malicious apps and avoid security weakness in OS to keep your device secured and prevent hackers from accessing your personal information.

Image of mobile devices becoming smarter

  • A loan with terms too good to be true may be a scam. Don’t accept the loan if the lender is aggressive or pushy. Ensure the legitimacy of the lender and always deal with a real financial institution.

Image of Loan scam

  • A loan with terms too good to be true may be a scam. Don’t accept the loan if the lender is aggressive or pushy. Ensure the legitimacy of the lender and always deal with a real financial institution.

Image of Social Media Addiction

  • Set goals for Digital Detox or limit social media usage. Excess social media use may result in negative effects on mental health. It can make people isolated, and may also lead to the comparison of material things & lifestyles seen on online platforms.

Image of Digital Detox or limit social media usage

  • Take the National Cyber Safety & Security Pledge to build safe online environment. Get, your Certificate Available in 10 languages.

Image of National Cyber Safety & Security Pledge

  • Use Security Tools, like Antivirus software, firewalls, and Ad blockers to help protect your device and browser from Phishing Attacks, malware, and other potential threats.

Image of Antivirus software

  • Payment Cards are among the most widely used payment methods. It is necessary for digital users to be aware of the uses, threats and safe online practices to be followed while using Debit/Credit cards.

Image of Payment Cards

  • Data theft, data loss, personal information disclosure & stealing of credentials can be prevented by basic safety measures like – installing anti-spyware, updated anti-virus software, encrypted passwords & periodic backups.

Image of Data theft, data loss, personal information disclosure

  • Cyberbullying is a crime. Protect yourself & others by enabling security & privacy features on social media and using parental controls, Desktop Firewalls & Browser Filters. Let’s make the online world a safe & respectful place for everyone.

Image of Cyberbullying is a crime

  • Prevent attacks & abuse of email communication systems against phishing, malware delivery etc., by eMail Security. Use a strong email password and don’t open attachments without scanning.

Image of eMail Security

  • Internet Ethics can be described as acceptable behavior standards to be followed by digital users while using the internet. They help citizens #StaySafeOnline by setting up a set of moral principles that govern the usage of Computers & Internet.

Image of Internet Ethics

  • Stay Cautious of Job Scams! Job offers floated on recruitment portals or Social networking platforms need careful observation. Always check the authenticity of the recruiter before proceeding.

Image of Stay Cautious of Job Scams!

  • Tech support fraud happens when criminals call with fake warnings. Don’t grant them access to your device or any other information to prevent your personal data from being compromised.

Image of Tech support fraud

  • Beware of Online Banking Frauds! – Never share OTP, PIN, CVV, Debit/Credit card details with anyone. -Never respond to calls asking for bank-related details. -Periodically Change the passwords and or PINs of all online accounts. #NICMeitY #StaySafeOnline

Image of Beware of Online Banking Frauds

  • Publishing someone’s information without their consent is doxxing. If you’re affected by Online Doxxing: -Register complaint at the nearest cyber crime police station -Complain at http://cybercrime.gov.in -Report to social media account help center #StaySafeOnline #NICMeitY

Image of Online Doxxing

  • Be aware of QR Code Scams! Using QR codes, scammers can download malware onto people’s devices & may steal their personal information or damage their devices. So, it is important to be alert when scanning QR codes.

Image of QR Code Scams

  • उपयोगकर्ताओं के खातों की सुरक्षा के लिए, फेसबुक कई सिक्योरिटी फीचर्स प्रदान करता है जो उन्हें अपनी निजी जानकारी को सुरक्षित रखने में मदद करती हैं। किसी भी गोपनीयता उल्लंघन या आपकी व्यक्तिगत जानकारी तक पहुँचने से रोकने के लिए इन सुरक्षा के तरीकों को चुनें|

Image of फेसबुक कई सिक्योरिटी फीचर्स

  • UPI is the most popular means of digital payment in current digital times. It enables users to seamlessly transfer/receive funds through mobile phones. It is necessary for digital users to be aware of uses, threats & safe practices to be followed while using UPI.

Image of UPI is the most popular means of digital payment

  • कभी भी मुफ्त उपहारों के प्रस्तावों, प्रतियोगिताओं या सर्वेक्षणों पर विश्वास न करें क्योंकि ये आपको ऑनलाइन धोखाधड़ी का शिकार बना सकते हैं। जानकारी या लेन-देन के लिए केवल अधिकृत/वैध वेबसाइटों पर ही जाएं और अपने सोशल मीडिया खातों की गोपनीयता सेटिंग को सक्षम रखें।

Image of ऑनलाइन धोखाधड़ी

  • Wi-Fi Security refers to the measures taken to protect a wireless network & connected devices from unauthorized access or attacks. There are several types of security protocols that can be used to secure a Wi-Fi network, including WEP, WPA, and WPA2.

Image of Wi-Fi Security

  • Mobile wallets enable instant transactions but malware attacks on device may steal your wallet details. Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks, register for SMS & email alerts, and keep software updated for the security of your eWallets.

Image of Mobile wallets enable instant transactions

  • Before applying for Loan via Mobile Apps, always check: -Lenders’ phone number, email address & physical address. -Verify the online reviews by customers given to the lender. -Make sure it has RBI’s NBFC license. -Review the app permissions regularly.

Image of Fake Loan Apps

  • For Data Security, it is essential to maintain the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of sensitive information. Regularly monitor the systems & networks to detect suspicious activity and prevent unauthorized access to important data.

Image of Data Security

  • मैट्रिमोनियल साइट या डेटिंग ऐप पर पंजीकरण करने से पहले उनकी प्रामाणिकता की जांचें। अपना मोबाइल नंबर और पता मैट्रिमोनियल साइट्स/ डेटिंग साइट्स पर सार्वजनिक रूप से साझा न करें। जिन लोगों से आप ऑनलाइन मिलते हैं, उनके साथ निजी तस्वीरें या वित्तीय विवरण साझा न करें।

Image of मैट्रिमोनियल साइट

  • Manage your online security and choose the right level of protection while surfing the internet. Enable all the security features recommended by your Operating System and Web browsers.

Image of Manage your online security

  • StaySafeOnline सुरक्षित फ़ाइल शेयरिंग: • एंड-टू-एंड एन्क्रिप्शन का उपयोग करें। • पासवर्ड सुरक्षित फाइलों का प्रयोग करें। • साझा करने की समय सीमा निर्धारित करें। • फ़ाइल एक्सेस/अनुमतियों की निगरानी करें। • सभी उपकरणों पर एंटीवायरस सॉफ़्टवेयर का उपयोग करें।

Image of सुरक्षित फ़ाइल शेयरिंग

  • StaySafeOnline ईमेल, एसएमएस और सोशल मीडिया से प्राप्त अज्ञात लिंक पर क्लिक न करें। ये लिंक आपको एक वैध वेबसाइट के समान दिखने वाली फ़र्जी वेबसाइट पर ले जा सकते हैं और आपकी व्यक्तिगत जानकारी, लॉगिन क्रेडेंशियल और क्रेडिट कार्ड नंबर आदि की चोरी कर सकते हैं।

Image of StaySafeOnline

  • StaySafeOnline -Set privacy on your internet profiles & do not share personal information with unknown people. Monitor account activity & proactively report any suspicious activity as soon as it happens. Keep an eye on your children’s online & social media behavior.

Image of StaySafeOnline -Set privacy on your internet profiles

  • Passwords are the digital keys to our personal as well as professional services network. Always use strong passwords i.e., a combination of alphanumeric keys and special characters, and do not forget to change or update your password regularly.

Image of Passwords are the digital keys

  • Don’t open any links to online offers, sent to you by unknown sources, use only official websites for online sales/ purchases. Don’t accept strangers’ requests on social media accounts, you could be a victim of phishing or other cyber threat.

Image of  cyber threat

  • Use the Internet ethically. Respect privacy, avoid false information, do not harass others and be aware of the consequences. Create a safer and positive online environment for everyone.

Image of Internet ethically

  • Phishing is a serious cybercrime that involves accessing someone’s computer or email without their consent. It’s a violation of privacy and illegal. Stay on the right side of the law and always respect others’ personal information.

Image of Phishing is a serious cybercrime

  • Stay compliant with organization’s guidelines and policies for software usage. Always opt for licensed software and refrain from installing restricted third-party applications.

Image of Stay compliant with organization’s guidelines

  • Approach concerned authorities to report spam emails, harassment, stalking and any other cyber security related incidents. You may also report such type of issues at https://cybercrime.gov.in. For cyber security tips & cyber awareness.

Image of cyber security tips & cyber awareness

For more details, kindly visit : https://www.staysafeonline.in

  • Protect your online safety! When browsing the web, always prioritize trusted & secure websites. Look for “https://” with lock symbol in URLs. This ensures your data is encrypted & safeguards your sensitive information.

Image of Protect your online safety

For more details, kindly visit : https://www.staysafeonline.in

  • Do not be caught off guard in the digital world. Educate yourself on safe internet usage guidelines. Protect your personal information, avoid suspicious links, and be mindful of online scams.

Image of Protect your personal information

For safe internet guidelines, visit : https://www.staysafeonline.in

  • Visit a website via saved bookmarks or by manually typing the URL, instead of clicking a link from an email or any other source. Clicking on links might take you somewhere unexpected, may steal your personal information, or may cause even financial loss.

Image of saved bookmarks or by manually typing the URL

  • Stay safe online! Keep your web browsing secure by regularly updating and patching your browser. Protect yourself from cyber threats and enjoy a seamless browsing experience.


For safe internet guidelines, visit : https://www.staysafeonline.in

  • Whaling Attack! Fraudsters can send sms/emails to you and ask for financial support, pretending to be like your known one. Before replying to such emails, you should talk to the concerned person about the email.


  • Beware of Dumpster Diving! To protect your confidential information from leakage, ensure proper disposal of your unused data such as passwords, credit cards, and other personal information.


  • Beware of email phishing scams! Never click on links in unsolicited emails asking for financial transactions. Stay vigilant, smart & secure.


For safe internet guidelines, visit : https://www.staysafeonline.in


  • Beware of ?????? ????? frauds. Do not participate in online surveys, or quizzes, and avoid clicking on links offering monetary benefits on social media platforms, it may steal your personal information.


  • Ensure your Mobile Security. Install mobile apps only from trusted sources. Before installing them on your mobile, please check app permissions and read users’ review.


  • UPI and eWallet Security! Always keep the software/App up to date. Be cautious while using public Wi-Fi. Enable multi-factor authentication. Review transactions on regular basis.


  • Securing Your Bank Accounts! Use strong alphanumeric passwords that are hard to guess. Use virtual keyboards to enter login details to safeguard your information from malware that may record your keystrokes.


  • Passwords are used for everything that one needs to have secured access to the Internet and Digital world. Always use strong passwords and update them regularly.


  • How to secure your Laptop or Desktop?
    अपने लैपटॉप या डेस्कटॉप को कैसे सुरक्षित रखें?

Image of Laptop or Desktop

  • Always memorise your PIN and do not write it down anywhere.
    अपना पिन हमेशा याद रखें और इसे कहीं भी न लिख कर न रखें।

Image of Always memorise your PIN

  • Antivirus plays a vital role in device safety. Always ensure that your Anti-virus software is up to date.
    एंटीवायरस डिवाइस की सुरक्षा में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। हमेशा सुनिश्चित करें कि आपका एंटी-वायरस सॉफ़्टवेयर अप टू डेट है।

Image of Antivirus plays a vital role in device safety

  • Camera hacking!
    Fraudster hacks a digital device using malware & remotely takes control of the webcam/camera in user ‘s device. Cyber Offenders use remotely activated camera to capture videos & photos without the knowledge of the victims.

Image of Camera hacking

  • Stay cautious when using digital devices like Pen drives & Hard disks received from promotional events! They could carry malware that poses a risk to your devices or corrupts valuable data.

Image of Stay cautious

  • Warning signs of Fake Survey Quiz Offers
    -Tweaked Website/ URL.
    -Creating unrequired urgency.
    -Requesting for unrelated personal details.
    -Prompting the user to forward message.
    -Asking for Bank, Debit/Credit Card details.

Image of Warning signs of Fake Survey

  • What are Fake Social Media Profiles – How to Identify?
    नकली सोशल मीडिया प्रोफ़ाइल क्या हैं – कैसे पहचानें?
    Courtesy: @SSOIndia

Image of Fake Social Media Profiles

  • Beware of Fake Delivery Scam!
    Never share details or OTP with delivery partner for unordered parcels. Hacked devices can lead to financial loss or data breach.

Image of Fake Delivery Scam

  • Don’t be a victim of Online Fraud. Bank or Aadhar Seva Kendra will never ask you to share personal information or OTP over the phone call. Don’t share any information on such calls.

Image of Online Fraud

  • Ensure to report any unauthorized access to computer resources/online services to the appropriate authorities.

Image of unauthorized access to computer resources

  • Never share your organization’s sensitive information over Internet.

Image of sensitive information over Internet

  • Follow safe online practices and protect yourself from Internet attacks.

Image of Internet attacks

  • Ensure ?????:// in URL for all online transactions.

Image of online transactions

  • Ensure to enable and use two-factor authentication for financial websites.

Image of financial websites

  • Your brain is the best place to store your passwords.

Image of store your passwords

  • Never respond to calls seeking sensitive information

Image of sensitive information

  • Never leave your computer unattended when logged in to any Internet banking site.

Image of Internet banking site

  • Ensure to read vendor’s privacy policy to be aware of how your personal data will be used.

Image of  personal data will be used

  • Ensure to regularly verify your bank statements to act early in case of any fraudulent transaction.

Image of  fraudulent transaction

  • Avoid saving credit card details while shopping online.

Image of  shopping online

  • Avoid doing financial transactions by clicking links received through emails.

Image of received through emails

  • Update your browser to latest version for safe and secure online transactions.

Image of safe and secure online transactions

  • Enable multi-factor authentication along with strong passwords for your online accounts

Image of passwords for your online accounts

  • Ensure to enable browser security settings to block pop-ups and also uncheck auto-execution of downloaded software.

Image of auto-execution of downloaded software

  • Secure your Internet Connectivity with Strong Password.

Image of  Strong Password

  • Report spam emails, harassment, and stalking kind of security incidents to concerned authorities.

Image of concerned authorities

  • Always scan downloaded file irrespective of file type with updated antivirus before using.

Image of updated antivirus before using

  • Do not download files sent by strangers while interacting online.

Image of strangers while interacting online

  • Ensure to take regular backup of valuable data to avoid data loss due to malware attacks

Image of malware attacks

  • Enable SPAM Filter for emails.

Image of  SPAM Filter for emails

  • Never download executable files such as .vbs, .shs, .pif, etc., received over email or chat box.

Image of   received over email or chat box

  • Read the ‘Terms and Conditions’ carefully before proceeding online. ऑनलाइन किसी भी चीज़ के लिए आगे बढ़ने से पहले सम्बंधित ‘नियम और शर्तें’ ध्यान से पढ़ें।

Image of  carefully before proceeding online

  • Training Division and Application Security Audits & Assessment Division, NIC HQ have been organising webinars on Cyber Security to generate sustained awareness among IT users. In this series, the 17th webinar was conducted on the topic “Cyber Security Insights”

Image of  Cyber Security Insights

  • Never download files with double extension/misleading file names especially from strangers. कभी भी डबल एक्सटेंशन/भ्रामक नामों वाली फ़ाइलों को डाउनलोड न करें, विशेष रूप से जब वह किसी अजनबी से मिली हो।

Image of Never download files with double extension

  • Always type the URL instead of clicking on links. लिंक पर क्लिक करने के बजाय हमेशा यूआरएल (URL) टाइप करें।

Image of clicking on links

  • Ensure to clear browsing history after using public computers. सार्वजनिक कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करने के बाद ब्राउज़िंग इतिहास साफ़ करना सुनिश्चित करें।

Image of Ensure to clear browsing history

  • Close the popup window using ❌ mark at the top right corner and not by clicking any button on window. पॉपअप विंडो को ऊपरी दाएं कोने पर ❌ चिह्न का उपयोग करके बंद करें, न कि विंडो पर किसी बटन को क्लिक करके।

Image of Close the popup window

  • Ensure to change your password immediately in case it has been revealed accidentally to someone. यदि आपका पासवर्ड गलती से किसी को पता चल जाए तो उसे तुरंत बदलना सुनिश्चित करें।

Image of Ensure to change your password

  • Ensure to shred sensitive documents immediately after use. उपयोग के तुरंत बाद संवेदनशील दस्तावेज़ों को नष्ट करना सुनिश्चित करें।

Image of Ensure to shred sensitive documents

  • Ensure to ??????? “????????/???? ?????????” option in your browser settings. अपनी ब्राउज़र सेटिंग में “पासवर्ड याद रखें/सहेजें” विकल्प को अक्षम करना सुनिश्चित करें।

Image of Ensure to ??????? ????????/???? ?????????

  • Ensure “????? ????? ???????” is enabled in your browser settings. सुनिश्चित करें कि आपकी ब्राउज़र सेटिंग में “ब्लॉक पॉपअप विंडोज़” सक्रिय है।

Image of Ensure ????? ????? ???????

  • Ensure to properly destroy the magnetic stripe of Debit/Credit card once it expires. डेबिट/क्रेडिट कार्ड की समय सीमा समाप्त (एक्सपायरी तिथि) होने पर उसकी चुंबकीय पट्टी नष्ट कर दें।

Image of Debit/Credit card once it expires

  • Ensure to properly destroy the printouts of the account statement accessed at the ATM to avoid any misuse. किसी भी दुरुपयोग से बचने के लिए एटीएम में प्राप्त खाता विवरण के प्रिंटआउट को ठीक से नष्ट करना सुनिश्चित करें।

Image of ATM to avoid any misuse

  • Never access other websites while performing online transactions. ऑनलाइन लेनदेन करते समय अन्य वेबसाइटों का उपयोग ना करें।

Image of performing online transactions

  • Ensure to take proper care while typing Password/PIN to protect from shoulder surfers. शोल्डर सर्फर से बचने के लिए, पासवर्ड/पिन टाइप करते समय उचित सावधानी बरतना सुनिश्चित करें।

Image of roper care while typing Password/PIN

  • Always ?????? ???????? after completing online transactions. ऑनलाइन लेनदेन पूरा करने के बाद हमेशा ठीक से लॉगआउट करें।

Image of Always ?????? ????????

  • Avoid using PIN numbers that match your personal information as they can be easily guessed by hackers. ऐसे पिन नंबरों का उपयोग करने से बचें जो आपकी व्यक्तिगत जानकारी से मेल खाते हों क्योंकि उनका अनुमान हैकर्स द्वारा आसानी से लगाया जा सकता है।

Image of easily guessed by hackers

  • In case of theft or loss of Credit Card, immediately block the card and inform the concerned authority. क्रेडिट कार्ड चोरी होने या खो जाने की स्थिति में, तुरंत कार्ड को ब्लॉक करें और संबंधित प्राधिकारी को सूचित करें।

Image of immediately block the card

  • Never disclose PIN or other bank account-related information to anyone. कभी भी पिन या बैंक खाते से संबंधित अन्य जानकारी किसी को न बताएं।

Image of bank account-related information

  • Never send credit/debit card number, CVV, PIN, or other sensitive details through e-mail. ई-मेल के माध्यम से कभी भी क्रेडिट/डेबिट कार्ड नंबर, सीवीवी, पिन या अन्य संवेदनशील विवरण न भेजें

Image of Never send credit/debit card number

  • Update your browser to latest version for safe and secure online transactions.
  • सुरक्षित और संरक्षित ऑनलाइन लेनदेन के लिए अपने ब्राउज़र को नवीनतम संस्करण में अपडेट करें।

Image of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023

  • Ensure to change your passwords at regular intervals.
  • नियमित अंतराल पर अपने पासवर्ड बदलना सुनिश्चित करें।

Image of Excellence in Public Administration

  • Training Division & Application Security Audits & Assessment Division, NIC have been organising webinars on Cyber Security generating awareness among IT users. In this series, today’s webinar was conducted on Mobile Device Security and Operating System Security & Hardening.

Image of eHospital by NIC

  • October is Cyber Security Awareness Month! Stay Safe Online, protect your data, and be vigilant. Let’s make the Internet a safer place together. Be Cyber Smart!

Image of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023

  • The stronger your password, the more secure your information.
  • आपका पासवर्ड जितना मजबूत होगा, आपकी जानकारी उतनी ही अधिक सुरक्षित होगी।

Image of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023

  • Use a passphrase for creating a strong password that is easy to remember but difficult to guess.
  • मजबूत पासवर्ड बनाने के लिए पासफ़्रेज़ का उपयोग करें जिसे याद रखना आसान है लेकिन अनुमान लगाना मुश्किल है।

Image of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023

  • Be sure that you do not use personal identifiers in your password.
  • सुनिश्चित करें कि आप अपने पासवर्ड में व्यक्तिगत पहचानकर्ताओं का उपयोग नहीं करते हैं।

Image of Excellence in Public Administration

  • Ensure that your password has a minimum of 12 to 16 alphanumeric characters.
  • सुनिश्चित करें कि आपके पासवर्ड में कम से कम 12 से 16 वर्ण/अंक/विशेष चिन्ह हों।

Image of eHospital by NIC

  • Never save your passwords in the web browser as they can be misused.
  • अपने पासवर्ड कभी भी वेब ब्राउज़र में सेव न करें क्योंकि उनका दुरुपयोग हो सकता है।

Image of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023

  • Run a virus scan before launching any program on your device to safeguard from virus infection.
  • वायरस के संक्रमण से सुरक्षा के लिए अपने डिवाइस पर कोई भी प्रोग्राम लॉन्च करने से पहले वायरस स्कैन चलाएँ।

Image of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023

  • Never reveal passwords on forums/ blogs/ social networking sites.
  • मंचों/ ब्लॉगों/ सोशल नेटवर्किंग साइटों पर कभी भी पासवर्ड प्रकट न करें।

Image of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023

  • Avoid using dictionary words as a password.
  • सशब्दकोश के शब्दों को पासवर्ड के रूप में उपयोग करने से बचें।

Image of Excellence in Public Administration

  • Do enable strong encryption options in Wi-Fi Router.
  • वाई-फाई राउटर में ठोस एन्क्रिप्शन का विकल्प सक्षम करें।

Image of eHospital by NIC

  • Disable auto-connect while use of open Wi-Fi networks.
  • खुले वाई-फाई नेटवर्क का उपयोग करते समय ऑटो-कनेक्ट को अक्षम करें।

Image of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023

  • Be cautious while posting photos online, as they can be misused. Regularly review your privacy settings.
  • तस्वीरें ऑनलाइन पोस्ट करते समय सावधान रहें, क्योंकि उनका दुरुपयोग किया जा सकता है। अपनी गोपनीयता सेटिंग की समीक्षा करते रहें।

Image of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023

  • Restrict access to sensitive information using appropriate privacy settings on WhatsApp
  • व्हाट्सएप पर उचित गोपनीयता सेटिंग्स का उपयोग करके संवेदनशील जानकारी तक पहुंच को प्रतिबंधित करें।

Image of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023

  • External devices can increase the risk of data loss. Be cautious while using them to share files.

Image of Excellence in Public Administration

  • Ensure to take backup of all important documents & data for recovery in case of primary data loss.

Image of eHospital by NIC

  • • Always maintain backup of critical data to ensure availability in case of computer issues.

Image of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023

  • Ensure continuous power with Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) to prevent data loss/system damage.

Image of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023

  • Verify & validate your critical documents/data at regular intervals to safeguard them from being tampered.

Image of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra-2023

  • Shred unwanted hard copies of documents with sensitive personal information before disposal.
    संवेदनशील व्यक्तिगत जानकारी वाले दस्तावेजों का निपटान करते समय, उन्हें अच्छी तरह फाड़ दें या नष्ट कर दें।

Image of sensitive personal information

  • Regularly delete obsolete documents and data from your system/storage devices to improve system performance.
    सिस्टम प्रदर्शन में सुधार करने के लिए अपने सिस्टम/स्टोरेज डिवाइस से अप्रचलित दस्तावेज़ों और डेटा को नियमित रूप से हटाएं।

Image of Regularly delete obsolete documents

  • To avoid the risk of exposing sensitive information to unauthorized individuals, never open your WhatsApp Web on organization’s computers/ laptops.
    अनधिकृत व्यक्तियों को संवेदनशील जानकारी तक पहुँचने से रोकने के लिए, अपने व्हाट्सएप वेब को कार्यालय के कंप्यूटर/लैपटॉप पर न खोलें।

Image of Web on organization's computers/ laptops

  • To avoid the risk of data loss and data exposure, be cautious while using external devices to share files
    डेटा हानि और डेटा एक्सपोज़र के जोखिम से बचने के लिए, बाहरी डिवाइसों के माध्यम से फ़ाइलें साझा करते हुए सतर्क रहें।

Image of avoid the risk of data loss and data exposure

  • Read the user license agreement to understand your rights, obligations, and potential consequences before installing software.
    सॉफ़्टवेयर स्थापित करने से पहले अपने अधिकारों, दायित्वों और संभावित परिणामों को समझने के लिए उपयोगकर्ता लाइसेंस अनुबंध पढ़ें।

Image of user license agreement to understand your rights

  • To safeguard your data and personal information, regularly change PIN on your mobile devices.
    अपने डेटा और निजी जानकारी को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए अपने मोबाइल डिवाइसों के पिन (PIN) नियमित रूप से बदलते रहें।

Image of To safeguard your data and personal information

  • For safer internet banking, ensure https:// in URL for all online transactions.
    सुरक्षित इंटरनेट बैंकिंग के लिए सभी ऑनलाइन लेन-देन के लिए https:// वाले यूआरएल (URL) का ही उपयोग करें।

Image of For safer internet banking

  • Don’t publish your whereabouts on social media platforms to protect your privacy and ensure your personal safety.
    अपनी गोपनीयता की रक्षा करने और अपनी व्यक्तिगत सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने के लिए सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म पर अपने ठिकाने प्रदर्शित न करें।

Image of social media platforms to protect your privacy

  • Regularly check and empty your spam folder to ensure protection against potential threats.
    संभावित खतरों से सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने के लिए अपने स्पैम फ़ोल्डर को नियमित रूप से जांचें और खाली करें।

Image of protection against potential threats

  • Always follow ethical practices while using Internet.
    इंटरनेट का उपयोग करते समय हमेशा नैतिक प्रथाओं का पालन करें।

Image of ethical practices while using Internet

  • Beware of fake/scam/phishing messages.
    फर्जी/ स्कैम/ फिशिंग संदेशों (मेसेजेस) से सावधान रहें।

Image of fake/scam/phishing messages

  • Remember to close all other unused applications before performing any online financial transaction.
    कोई भी ऑनलाइन वित्तीय लेनदेन करने से पहले अन्य सभी अप्रयुक्त एप्लिकेशन को बंद करना याद रखें।

Image of online financial transaction

  • Beware of fake news. Break the chain.
    जाली/फर्जी खबरों से सावधान रहें, इस कड़ी को तोड़ें।

Image of Beware of fake news

  • Beware of shoulder surfing in public places.
    सार्वजनिक स्थानों पर शोल्डर सर्फ़िंग (पासवर्ड संबंधी धोखाधड़ी) से सावधान रहें।

Image of Beware of shoulder surfing in public places

  • Ensure Operating System is updated with latest patches to fix performance bugs & provide enhanced security features.
    सेवाओं को सुचारू करने और उन्नत सुरक्षा सुविधाएं प्रदान करने के लिए सुनिश्चित करें ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम को नवीनतम पैच से अपडेट किया गया है।

Image of Ensure Operating System is updated

  • Disable auto preview options on your mail clients.
    अपने मेल क्लाइंट पर ऑटो प्रीव्यू (स्वतः पूर्वावलोकन) विकल्प डिसेबल करें।

Image of Disable auto preview options on your mail clients