
CollabCAD is a collaborative network enabled and desktop CAD software system, which provides a total engineering solution from 3D Product Part/Assembly Design, 2D Drafting and Detailing, Scripting, Import/Export of CAD Data and a useful tool for practical understanding of Engineering Graphics curriculum for technical education in India.
CollabCAD runs on Linux and Windows OS based desktop systems and is available in both Stand Alone & Client-Server mode. The collaborative mode of CollabCAD enables multiple designers to create and modify part data across a network and concurrently access the same design data for storage and visualization.

CollabCAD 3D Web Viewer (Collab3WV) is an online product for visualization and sharing of 3D design data of CollabCAD and open 3D data file formats (STL, OBJ, PLY, MUZ, JSON). No software or plug-in required, the viewer works directly on a WebGL compliant web browser. Upload, View and Share 3D models and innovative designs with public or private collaborative partners. To get started, register for CollabCAD account, upload 3D digital models and view them online. Already have an account, login to access uploaded 3D models.
For more information, please visit: