Comprehensive Operations and Management of Presses Over Secure Environment
The COMPOSE-egazette module is designed and developed for Printing Department, Government of Kerala, with the objective of easy publishing of Daily Extra Ordinary Gazette (EOG) and Weekly Gazettes. The system facilitates the client department to upload the notification matter online to publish in Gazettes. Departments can upload the gazette notification in approved pre-defined templates and authorize using Digital Signature Certificate. Notification matter will be generated for Citizen Services based on the service.

The system covers all printing presses across the State, as well as all State government departments and agencies involved in publishing of Gazette in Kerala. COMPOSE software is designed and developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Kerala State Centre.
Salient Features
- Online Submission of Gazette Notification by Government Departments and cit¬¬izen
- e-Gazette Publication
- Auto generation of Heirship Notifications by Taluk officials
- Auto Generation of Notification matter for citizen services
- Digital Signature enabled Gazette Approval
- Unicode enabled publishing (Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, and English)
- Online Payment and Verification
- Online Challan-based payment and verification
- QR code-based authenticity check
- Integrated with eOffice for uploading Govt. notifications

Citizen Services
Provisions for updation of Personal Data parameters like Name, Signature, Religion, Caste, Age, Family details, Gender along with the combination of parameters
- Quick Publishing and accessibility of Weekly and Daily gazettes.
- No DTP work required at printing department /Govt. Press for matter setting/editing
- Workflow players reduced from fifteen to five- reduces time
- Minimization of Notification errors
- Eliminating Gazette Printing -reduce Printing cost
- Authentication of official users through SPARK (HR Portal of Govt. of Kerala)
- Eliminating / minimizing hard copies.
- SMS alert to citizen and department officials
- Easy searching and downloading of digital Gazettes
- Efficient Search mechanism to locate EOG using
- Validation for Duplicate Notification
- Templates for matter setting– Improved the productivity
- GREEN e-governance
All Government Departments, Autonomous bodies, Raj Bhavan, Niyama Sabha, Local bodies- Municipality, Corporation &Panchayath, Taluk Offices, Public Service Commission, Universities, High court and Public.
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