Empowering Rural India through Digitisation in Panchayats
eGramswaraj Portal has been developed with a vision to strengthen digitisation in Panchayats. It is a Simplified Work Based Accounting Application for Panchayati Raj. It is one of the applications developed as part of Panchayat Enterprise Suite (PES) under e-Panchayat Mission Mode Project (MMP).
eGramSwaraj aims to bring in better transparency and strengthen the e-Governance in Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) across the country through decentralized Profiling, Planning, Physical Progress, Reporting and Work-Based Accounting. There is a seamless integration between eGramSwaraj Portal and Local Government Directory (LGD) through Unique Codes allocated to each PRI which allows interoperability with other PES.

Core Modules:
- Panchayat Profile
- Planning
- Progress Reporting
- Accounting
- Asset Directory
- mActionSoft Mobile App for Geo-tagging of assets created
- Real-time file Tracking Mechanism
- Treasury-PFMS-eGS Integration

The Portal is also integrated with AuditOnline for auditing as per CAG guidelines, the expenditures incurred by the PRIs to ensure & bring transparency and accountability.
Main Features:
- Panchayat Profile: Maintains Panchayat profile with Election Details, Elected Members etc.
- Planning: Facilitates the planning of activities/work and plan creation.
- Progress Reporting: Records the physical and financial progress of approved activities.
- Accounting: Facilitates the work-based accounting and monitoring of funds expenditure with Treasury-PFMS integration.
- Asset Directory: Stores all the immovable and movable assets
- Technical architecture supports inter-operability with other PES applications
- Simple and User-Friendly
- Workflow enabled
- Asset’s location visualization on Gram Manchitra (GIS)
- Supports multi-tenancy, multiple tenants
- Strong Authentication Mechanism
- Based on Open-Source technologies
- Web-based and available 24×7
eGramSwaraj Mobile App
The mobile phone application shows the progress of various activities carried out by Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs). It has been developed with an emphasis on greater transparency and increased access to information for the citizens of India. The eGramSwaraj mobile application serves as a natural extension to the e-Gram Swaraj web portal.
Target Users
- Rural Local Bodies (Village Panchayats, BlockPanchayats, District Panchayats and equivalent level)
- State PR department
- Citizens

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