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ePrisons computerize and integrate all the activities related to prison and prisoner management in the jail. This Application Suite provides the vital information about the inmates, lodged in the prisons, in real time environment to the prison officials and other entities, involved in Criminal Justice System. It also facilitates online visit request and grievance redressal.

ePrisons Application Suite, developed by NIC, is cloud-based product designed with easy to use GUI and embedded with comprehensive security features. It can be easily adopted by any State Prisons Department with minimum customization efforts since all the possible customization features are parameterized and can be configured by the users.

Image of prisoner management in the jail

Key Features:

  • Available as SaaS from the NIC Cloud, which provides high availability, scalable and robust system to the users;

  • The solution is ready to adopt by any prison / stakeholder for free.

  • Parameterized and configurable gap aspects;

  • SMS and email alerts;

  • Equipped with necessary services required for integrating with other Criminal Justice System stakeholders; and

  • Authorization checks & validation to improve the data quality.

This application suite consists of three main products:

1. ePrisons MIS: Management Information System used at the prisons for their day to day regular activities; The major modules of ePrisons MIS are:

  • Prisoner Information Management System (PIMS);

  • Visitor Management System (eVisitor);

  • Hospital Management System (eHospital);

  • Legal Aid Management System;

  • Inventory Management System;

  • Prison Management System (PMS);

  • Police Intelligence System;

  • Court Monitoring; and

  • Kiosk Information.

2. NPIP: National Prisons Information Portal is a citizen centric portal showing statistical data of various prisons in the country

  • Visitors can book there visit request to meet their ward inside the prison through this portal;

  • Grievances with respect to their wards inside the prisons can also submitted through the portal; and

  • This portal also provides with inmate tracking facilities in a secured way to various investigating agencies.

3. Kara Bazaar: Portal for showcasing and selling the products manufactured in various prisons of the country by inmates. Necessary platform required for on boarding for all the state prison departments are in place.

For more information, please visit:

Page Last Updated Date :May 12th, 2023
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