Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS)

Financial Management of the state is taken care of by Integrated Financial Management System(IFMS). IFMS is a complete suite of numerous applications related to finance, covering budget, payments, expenditure, receipt, works management and accounting. Various modules of IFMS have been integrated with multiple applications of other departments. IFMS provides real time data of all receipts and expenditure to all stake holders. It is supported by mobile apps for various functions.
- Online Budget estimation, preparation & printing.
- Paperless budget presentation in Assembly.
- Budget Allocations, Pool Budget concept.
- Additional authorization, Contingency and Re-appropriation.
- Online Budget allocation.
- Budget control at treasuries.
- Treasury Accounting System (RAJKOSH)
- Electronic Government Receipt Accounting System (e-GRAS)
- Online Bill Preparation & Payment System (PayManager)
- Social Security Pension System(RajSSP)
- Civil Pension Management System(IFPMS)
- Works Management System
- Online Stamps Inventory System (OSIS)
- Rajasthan State GST Accounting System
- Mobile Application to view real time budget allocation and expenditure
- Mobile app for eGRAS & Paymanager System
- Automated process for revised budget estimate (RE) enforcement
- Automatic Supplementary Budget Preparation
- Integrated with PFMS, AG, eKuber of RBI and other departments.
- Electronic payment by Digital signature Authentication and encryption.
- Real time Expenditure and Revenue status.
- Sanctions for Posts, Vehicles, Computers etc.
- PD accounts opening and Fund Transfer. Unified PD Accounts.
- Gender and Child Budget
Main beneficiaries and key stake holders are:
- Government Offices/Departments/Administrative Departments
- Budget Controlling Officers
- All Treasuries and Sub-treasuries
- Drawing and Disbursing Officers
- Banks
- Accountant General Office
- Civil Pensioners
- Social Security Pensioner
- Employees of Govt and autonomous bodies
- Personal Deposit Accounts