Integrated Shala Darpan
For School Education, Govt. of Rajasthan
‘Integrated ShalaDarpan’ is being used by the School Education Department to monitor live status of School Infrastructure / Enrolment, Academic Performance, Working/vacancy details of Staff & implementation of various Beneficiary schemes in Government schools. It covers all Government schools with online information of all Students and Teachers/Staff. Portal is the backbone of School Education department for decision support from Planning (School Open/Upgrade/Merge/Close) to School operations (Admissions, Promotions and Results) along with Staff Management (Recruitment, Posting and Relieving).
Every school need to access the system regularly to submit new admission details, daily attendance of staff/students, Student’s wise Test/Exam Marks, SMC/SDMC details, Funds receipt/expenditure details, reliving/joining of staff, issuance of Transfer certificate(TC), marking NSO, updation in infrastructure/facilities details etc.
This system facilitates in execution process of all major activities like
- Results Preparation, State Board Exam Management (5th & 8th standards).
- Staff Recruitment & Posting in Schools through Counselling Process.
- Generation of School wise Staffing Pattern (bi-annually).
- School Allotment for Internship (B.Ed./BSTC Teachers Trainee).
- School Star Rating, Monthly Block/District Ranking etc.
- Civil Works Monitoring.
- School Inspection.
- KGBV (Hostel) Management.
- Vocational Education Tracking.
- OoSC (out of School children) Tacking and Mainstreaming.
- Teacher Award, Great School Award.
- School Star Rating, Monthly Block/District Ranking etc.
Major beneficiary schemes like Pre-Post Metric Scholarship, Transport Voucher, Free Text/Work-book distribution, Cycle/Laptop Distribution, NMMS (Merit Cum Means), Gargi / Balika Protshahan Award etc. are administered through the ShalaDarpan. Every employee accesses this system to update their profile, Leave Submission, Submission of APR (Annual Performance Report) and TAF (Teacher Appraisal Format), Apply & track for – Pay Fixation/ Foreign Tour/Transfer/Deputation etc., Report Grievance & Track, view Vacancy in Schools/Staff Directory etc.
- To improve accessibility of real time updated and better quality info at different levels for-
- Policy Dialogue and planning, in order to improve Education System
- Saving time in compiling huge statistical reports, which are required by the department time to time
- Keeping an eye on Pupil Teacher Ratio(PTR), Vacant Positions, Low enrolment Schools, available Infrastructure facilities, Budget requirements etc..
- To ensure Teachers availability and enhance their performance
- To improve School enrolment and reduce/minimize dropout
- To improve academic performance of the students
- To connecting parents with Schools
- To provide role level Dash boards
Benefits of the Project
- Generation of Staffing patterns was an innovative task carried by NIC, which lead to rationalization of staff across demography of state, and resulted in improvement in quality of education which can be seen from last 4 years of NAS score.
- Collection and automation process of its related info reduced multiple entry, redundancy and duplicity of data. Monitoring became simpler for implementation of various Schemes/Programs of state/central Govt. through districts in Schools.
- Enable data-backed decision making and planning, for deployment of Infra/Staff in Schools and Opening/Closing/Merging of Schools
- Low enrolment Schools merged in nearby Schools, Schools reduced 78000 ->65000
- Ensuring infra availability priority wise, building less schools reduced from 8% to 1%
- Rationalization of Staff completed and in practice. Improvement in quality of education through proper monitoring of Staffing
- Improved PTR (from 42:1 to 20:1 in secondary; from 26:1 to 17:1 for primary)
- Teacher vacancy reduced from 38% to 8% & decrease in student drop outs
- Completion of long pending promotions
- Scholarship module saved time and burden of School Principal by providing list of eligible candidates, which only needs to be verified online for final processing, payment and further view payment status online.
- By identifying actual beneficiaries for various schemes like “Transport Voucher”, “Free Text Book” “Laptop/Cycle” etc. through ShalaDarpan, govt. saving lot of money.
- Staff window under ShalaDarpan provided relief to staff by providing online 24*7 channel to apply for services like Transfer, Interview, Teacher Award, Service matters like ACP/ Fixation etc., Submit Grievance & Track, View/Update profiles etc. This created a positive environment among staff towards the govt.
- Availability of various modules under ShalaDarpan like “5th Board Exam”, “Internship Module”, “Online Result Preparation”, “Board Exam Form filling through ShalaDarpan” etc. save lot of money and manpower resources and simplified & fasten various steps involved in exercising these tasks.
- Quick redressal of the issues and smooth implementation of Schemes/Programs
- ShalaDarpan also act as effective communication channel between State/District Offices and Schools, through which save trees, time and money in form of paper printing and postage.
- Online interviews for various posts during phases of Lockdown through data available under ShalaDarpan provided educational e-content through Shala-Samvad.

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