Soil Health Card Portal
A Card for Soil Health Management
Soil Health Card Portal is a web and smart phone-based application developed for Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India. It facilitates generation of Soil Health Cards (SHC) in 22 different languages, 5 dialects and in local units for the benefit of farmers in uniform and standardized format across the country.
A SHC provides the farmer with the nutrient status of his land and gives recommendations on the dosage of fertilizers, bio-fertilizers, organic fertilizers as well as soil amendments to maintain soil health in the long run.

One Card – Multiple Benefits
Promotes awareness among farmers for judicious use of fertilizers leading to:
- Need based use of external inputs
- Increased productivity
- Reduced cost of cultivation
- Sustainable soil health

- Accessibility -Web and Mobile Application
- Tracking and Notification alerts
- Automatic calculations of recommendations
- All type of Fertilizers
- Multilingual
- Dashboard and MIS reports
- Pictorial Soil Maps
- Links of mFMS, Land records and DM Dashboard
For details, please visit: