Swachh Bharat Mission – Gramin
The key objective of Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen (Phase2) is to sustain the ODF status of all the 6 lakh rural villages and to improve the level of cleanliness by making arrangement of solid and liquid waste management as ODF Plus by 2024-25.
The e-Governance Solutions including Mobile Apps, MIS, dashboards APIs, developed by NIC for Swachh Bharat Mission-Grameen (SBM-G), with the help of Department of Drinking Water Sanitation, aim to track the progress of ODF Plus progress in different states. The following are some important features:
- SBM-G e-governance solution is a Robust, Interoperable, Scalable, Secure and Role-based system which enables user to enter all the assets of solid and liquid along with geo coordinates using mobile app.
- SLWM assets created from MGNREGAs and FFC are being taken through web services of all the respective ministries / departments.
- On the basis of assets created in SBM / MGNREGA / FFC, villages are being declared as ODF Plus (Aspiring / Rising / Model) in SBM MIS.
- Information captured from mobile app and other IT tools is being displayed on the public dashboard. This can be tracked down up to village level (list of assets along with image and coordinates).
- This IT system is being used by all the field level state officials including stakeholders and all the department / ministries of GOI.
- MIS is being used for approval of assets by block and district level officials entered by geo tagger. Also, it is being used to report the expenditure incurred against reported assets and also generating various reports (including query based) as desired by various stakeholders.
For more information, please visit: https://swachhbharatmission.gov.in